<6th of May, 2000>

Accessory's Name	: Genestealer & Team Colours Genestealer
Installation directory  : Half-Life/valve/models/player/

Model / Skins / Readme  : Slightly Twisted (dbeswick@online.no)
Animations		: OmegaLE (peam_p@yahoo.com)

Accessory's description	:

Contrary to popular belief, I haven't been asleep during the five
or six weeks since I sent out Judge Death. I've been busy modelling
for a couple of mods. But I just took a week off from them, so here's
another public player model.

Genestealers, from Games Workshop's Warhammer 40k universe, are quite
possibly the coolest alien race you'll meet. Or at least, they were,
back in the days of Cults, about five or six years ago, before they were
reduced to simple grunts for the Tyranid horde. In any case, I've
always wanted to see one in a deathmatch, any deathmatch, for any game.
I've heard many reasons why this model could never be made for Half-Life.
They said the model would be too detailed, the skin would be too big,
and the animations wouldn't work.  Nobody wanted to grant my wish, so
I did it myself, with OmegaLE providing the (amazing) animations. The
model is 728 faces (no, I'm not shaving a few off to help the score,
it really is that low) , the skin comes on one 256x256 image (Really,
it does. Re-using as much of the texture as you can is the key.) and
all one hundred and six animations are original (what did you expect,
with that thing's skeleton?), so I'm donating a big, fat "So there!"
to all the nay-sayers, accompanied by a poked out tongue and a lively
victory dance. Yes, it looks a bit silly bouncing around a concrete
bunker wielding a Glock, but there you go.

You'll notice that there are two models included in this Zip. I personally
don't like team colours, as they limit the detail you can put onto the
skin, not to mention that they look bright and garish. I know a lot of
people who agree with me. But there are also a lot of people who are
fanatical about their team colours. Whichever way you go, you're only
going to please half of your audience. Being the thoughtful chap that
I am, I decided to include both options in one zip file, letting you
choose for yourself on an individual basis. "gs.mdl" is the main model,
while "gstc.mdl" is a variant that has been optimised for team colour
use. Considerate, aren't I?

Additional Credits to   : valve, chumbalum soft, Games Workshop


* Construction *

Editors used            : Paint Shop Pro, Half-Life model viewer,
			  Milkshape 3D (model), 3D Studio Max (animation).

Build time   		: The model took a few days, as did the skin.
			  The animations were done at the same time
			  as the skin, one of the benefits of teamwork.
			  It was all over and done with in exactly one


Unzip into your player models directory. Retain directory structure.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You know who Half-Life belongs to. Genestealers are the property of Games Workshop. The model belongs to me.

This model is intended for use only in standard Half-Life deathmatches. For any other use, such as converting it for use in another game or using it in a mod, contact me.