DM_POISONGARDEN by Rimrook If this doesn't put a twist on Half-Life: Deathmatch, I don't know what will... First of all, since i've learned to control the r_speeds like a pimp, I wanted to construct a map that pulled out all stops and showed how skilled i've become. I used nearly all of my usual tricks, and designed the map very carefully with the help from my legendary friend, DCC, who is an awsome designer of a wide assortment of types. He also designed the holographic glyphs that you'll see throughout the map. As for me, I did everything else, all of the content is custom done by me. If you use any of the resources pertaining to this map or it's contents, please give proper credit where credit is due. The background story of this map is simple. Taking poison and altering it to have the opposite effect. This is actually a poison farm, in other words. ~Rim