Trex Type: Phineas or DM Notes: there are no power suits so you ther is no HUD dislayed. Map is in miniature fasion (turkeyburgers). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "PC GAMER: Online Arena presents: PCG_Infested" [A Part of the PC GAMER: Online Arena Level Pack] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Designer/Mapper: Steve Lyne aka Scary-one web site: If you want to see more 'PC Gamer presents' Halflife levels, write and let us know! Send e-mail to the PC Gamer Online Editor.... Dan Egger ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Story-Line ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PCG_Infested takes place a few years into the future .. the year of 2004 to be exact. Terrible accidents came to pass on New Years Day, directly following the turn of the millenium. Although mankind had foreseen potential problems, noone had suspected a total of 75% of Russia's warheads would prove to be Y2K incompatible. As the new millenium entered its third hour, in excess of 30 million people had already died a sickly nuclear death, and many more perished whilst still sipping their cocktails in the sleazy bars and restaurants around the world. The years which followed were hard for the few who survived. A few were totally unscathed, but many others with lower white cell counts fell victim to an unforeseen illness. This group of humans were at first unaware of the poison which had entered their bodies that memorable night, and were just grateful to still be alive. Awareness dawned on them when they found themselves shrinking at an alarming rate until they were as small as cockroaches. In spite of the fact that their bodies remained proportionate in size these people became bitter. Unable to interact with the uneffected humans as they once had, they became increasingly angry and restless. When it proved to be the case that they even suffered from incurable impotence, the little people became extremely reckless, and violent behaviour amongst them rocketed. These people were finally branded outcasts. Because of their size they were classified "vermin" and it became legal to exterminate these bugs :) They took to hiding in cupboards and under floorboards. Out of sight of normal humans they tried to survive, but the anger within them led to constant trouble amongst them. Minature weapons were mass-produced, and the most unlikely locations became battlefields. As for the unfortunate humans who were forced to endure life in an infested home, well, it was hell. The sound of shots being fired from behind fixtures and appliances was an all too common occurance, and entire families were often forced to abandon their homes, no longer able to tolerate the disruption. You, of course, are one of the vermin and you happen to live behind Mr Arnold Brown's cupboard. You awoke abruptly this morning to the sound of a splintering grenade and that hasn't helped your improve your mood. To put it bluntly you never been angrier ...... and somebody is going to have to pay for that BIG TIME! :) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credits ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i) My family - Kirsi, Nathalie & Emily for being there and supporting me. Thanks for giving me the time to do this one :) ii) Brian "Draft4u" Davenport for his constant help and advice, and a big thankyou to the great [H.o.H] clan for playtesting PCG_Infested for me, and for giving me really constructive feedback. Check them out at their homepage iii) Dan Egger and PCGamer for giving me the opportunity to contribute towards this great idea of an Online Book vi) Valve/Sierra for Half-life and for the further development of Worldcraft v) ID Software vi) Radium at ... your efforts are appreciated. Thankyou. vii) Sean Cavanaugh for his adapted compile tools. They enabled me to add some textures without the file size tripling. Reach this guy at viii) Jehannum for Phineas bot. The bots have been a great help to me. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++