December 28, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Circle Of Death Filename : coddm.bsp Author : Mindfazr Address : Description : Halflife DM level for 2-6 players. This is an ARENA-ish style DM map good for when you just have a few players and want to quickly GIB!!. An arena with 4 bunkers at the 4 corners... with a bunkertower (motherload on steroids) in the center. You must enter the water to get into the tower. Water is a good place to set tripmines to cover your back :)). This is an extremely simple map. I made it as plain looking as I could to help with lag. This map will be best on a LAN due to the large viewable distance. It is also recommended for high-end machines. I RECOMMEND players to set "r_decals 0". As with my first map you will get a max decals error if you play this level for a period of time without reloading. Special Thanks to : Trent Reznor for creating the album "Pretty Hate Machine" ================================================================ Play Information Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes (Arena) Cooperative : No Difficulty Settings : varies depending on the skillz of your opponants New Sounds : No New Graphics : depends on your current level of sobriety New Music : whatever cool cd you wish to play ================================================================ Construction Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Worldcraft v2.0 Known Bugs : Authors lack of skillz (experience) Build Time : 3 days building, 2 weeks figuring out how the heck to use worldcraft. ================================================================ Designer's Notes This is my 2nd map. I am partial to LAN arena style games. This map is in no way built for lavish visuals or intricate architecture. It is simply for a few buds to drop the bomb on each other :)). Suggested environment is a high-end machine on a LAN I RECOMMEND players to set "r_decals 0". As with my first map you will get a max decals error if you play this level for a period of time without reloading. ================================================================ Installation To play this level, extract the file "coddm.bsp" into your half-life\valve\maps directory and then start the game. Start a deathmatch server and type "map coddm" or "changelevel coddm" in the console. ================================================================ ****NOTES**** I take full credit for any errors or shortcomings in this map, however, anything cool in it was just done by accident or stumbled upon. Feel free to email me with suggestions or feedback. let me know if you are playing it and if it is fun for ya. Also feel free to delete it if it sucks and is just taking up space. thanx :)