===================================================================== Half-Life Map Spec Sheet ===================================================================== ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title :Banjo Factory Filename :cpe.bsp Author :Jake Author Email :sheep_of_evil@yahoo.com Home page :none Description :- Previous Maps :Check point charlie (cpc.bsp), Hl:3arenas (cpd.bsp). ------Credits and Thanks--------------------------------------------- Thanks to all those sites on the internet with help and tips on world- craft and thanks to valve for giving it away with such a good game. Thanks to:- FireClaw (Gaz) Public Enemy (Richard) Easy Target (Steve) ------Additional Info, Tips, and Notes------------------------------- all guns with the exceptions of : Egon, Gauss, Crossbow and Hornet gun There is a second rpg under the ramp leading out of the underwater area. I've given you this map for free, the least you could do is tell me what you think, Sheep_of_evil@yahoo.com To see the magic fairies in action download cpc.bsp and cpd.bsp. ------Known bugs----------------------------------------------------- Cockroach, Assorted beetles, 4 ants, 1 flat mosquito. (none) Oh actually there is one. You can see the big hallway from the other arenas if you jump high enough. ------Play Information----------------------------------------------- Deathmatch :yep Single Player :no Map Description :Loverly How Many Players:2-6 ------Map Information------------------------------------------------ New Textures :none New Sounds :none ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base :none Editor(s) used :Worldcraft Compile Machine :PII 450 128mb ram Compile time :5 minutes Build time :4-6 hours start to finish with some changes after testing Playtest time :3 hour 1on1 ------Map Instructions----------------------------------------------- Unzip the files in this archive. Place the map, "cpe.bsp" in your half-life/valve/maps directory. ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ This template is available at The radium Half-Life Map Center... http://www.planethalflife.com/radium Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That bugs joke was also poor.