Escape Reality - For HalfLife (Deathmatch) by Lloyd Morris Design Philosophy: After Aftershok I decided to take on a new design philosophy. I have tried to move away from concrete bunkers / outposts and so I've decided to design something a little different. ____________________________________________ Fully Tested by: King Of The Jungle LTD and Department of Engineering ============================================================================================ Title: ESCAPE REALITY Filenames: EREALITY.bsp, EREALITY.txt Author: Lloyd Morris Address: Previous Levels: Aftrshok.bsp (Radium:63%) Description: Setting- 9:47AM 17/3/2433 This is a large level with some airy locations for about 10 players (14 starting locations). The setting is of a building with some strange architecture. My aim was to create a large level yet keep architecture interesting. Generally dual tone texturing - dark/light - was employed as multi-coloured textures wouldn't have gone with the surroundings. In this instance I let the lighting itself add the necessary colour. This time around I have taken great care in terms of the connectivity of this map (all rooms have multiple exits) to reduce camping. All weapons except the Hive-Hand are present, but the more powerful ones (RPG, EGON, GAUSS) are more difficult or dangerous to reach. ============================================================================================ The average wpoly count on the map is 239 but in certain places where the wpolys get a little high the epolys have been kept to a minimum. In order to cut epoly counts, I have used the weaponbox entities. This also cuts down on the total entity count for the map - again this should increase the speed - and at the same time increased the number of weapons / ammo. Epoly counts should not pass much over 1000. _____________________________________________________________ Explanation of how to get some of the weapons: - To get the EGON which is situated in the GAS CHAMBER you must risk the POT LUCK teleporter in the LOW GRAVITY room. This has four destinations which change every 15 seconds. You will lose a small amount of life in the GAS CHAMBER but after a couple of seconds you will be teleported back to the LOW GRAVITY room. - To get the GAUSS which is situated in the BEAM TRAP room you must first press the green button marked SAFETY HOOD which is situated up the small flight of stairs at the top of the large 3 layered open room with 2 pool tunnels at the bottom. Press the keypad which emerges and the camera will switch for one second to a view of the safety hood cutting off the beams. You then have a few seconds (it can be done:) to retrieve the GAUSS before the hood retracts. - To get the RPG in the SEMICIRCULAR TUNNEL simply strafe towards the small opening to the right just after the fan starts to suck you in. You should just be able to grab the weapon and reach safety. _____________________________________________________________ - Purpose of the circular glassy hovering things (CGHT): In the BOTTOMLESS POOL (which by the way is where the CROSSBOW is found) there is a lever. Under the pool there are two of these CGHTs. Each is a teleport leading to another one, e.g. to the one in the LOW GRAVITY room. The lever in the pool changes the destination of both the CGHTs. The only CGHTs which teleport you anywhere are the ones under the pool. If you jump through any of the others you will hear a sound but nothing else will happen as these are destinations. - Note that the central arched tree type structure is climbable at the edges as the arrows which appear as you get close indicate. - Note also that in the low gravity room where walkways have square holes in them, jumping height is greatly increased. ______________________________________________________________ Weapon Placement: AMMO (Total: 57 Locations) ---- 9mmbox 1 Location 9mmAR 14 Locations (1700 bullets) Buckshot 11 Locations (90 shells) 357 Bullets 4 Locations (45 bullets) Crossbow Bolts 9 Locations (100 bolts) ARGrenades 7 Locations (25 grenades) RPGclip 8 Locations (12 rockets) Uranium 3 Locations (175 charges) WEAPONS (Total: 46 Locations) ------- 9mmAR 7 357 5 Crossbow 3 Shotgun 6 Egon 1 Handgrenade 6 Locations (37 grenades) Gauss 1 Satchel 5 Locations (13 charges) RPG 1 Tripmine 8 Locations (24 mines) Snark 2 ============================================================================================ Build time: 6 long weeks including 2 days on lighting and a day on weapon placement not to mention a few days just aligning textures. Also about 8 weeks testing. Thanks to Alnya, Tony Gowland j-sam-t, JoNaS, QS, evile dick, Un_ethical and kman (testers at dept of engineering - and the guys at King of the Jungle LTD. Additional Credits: i) My Family ii) Valve / Sierra iii) id Software iv) Autolycus and everyone at Halflife ERC for teaching me everything I know about level design with Worldcraft. v) Sean Cavanaugh for his modified compile tools. Ashley Bone (Pakexplorer v1.2) David "Nighthawk" Flor (Spriteviewer v1.05) vi) Radium - whose comments on my previous map were invaluable to the design of this and future maps. vii) MoOg and Dyne4 for post testing advice. ================================================================ Map Instructions: Unzip EREALITY.ZIP and place EREALITY.BSP into your Half-Life/Valve/Maps directory. ================================================================ Information: Average Polygons Visible: 239 ****Test Machine : P180 80MB RAM Voodoo2 - Average of around 50 - 72fps**** **** Compile Machine: PIII 500 256MB RAM Voodoo2**** **** Recommended Machine: P200 **** Single Player - No (But there is a start point for practising purposes) Deathmatch - Yes (8-14 Players. It's a big level so the more the better) Co-operative - No Difficulty Settings - No New Textures - Yes (Ereality.wad incorporated into BSP) ITEMS: ALL WEAPON TYPES (EXCEPT HORNETGUN) ARE PRESENT. ================================================================ Construction ____________ Base: New level from scratch. Editor Used: Worldcraft 2.0 Known Bugs: None, but due to the large number of entities present, in single player test runs if you use the /impulse 101 cheat for 'all weapons' you should press the ` to close the console between each application of this cheat. In other words press ` then type /impulse 101 then ` and ` again and the up cursor and continue to get full weapons. Compile Machine: PIII-500MHz with 256MB RAM HLCSG time: 271.34 seconds HLBSP time: 104.30 seconds HLVIS time: 18366.87 seconds HLRAD time: 4672.01 seconds ______________ Total time: 23414.52 seconds (6 hours 30 minutes 14.52 seconds) ================================================================ Copyright and Permissions: Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. This level may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorised to put EREALITY.BSP or EREALITY.WAD on any CD or distribute it in any way without Lloyd Morris's permission. (c) Copyright 1999 Lloyd Morris