-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorrow Land - HighLand -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install: highland.bsp and highland.txt >>-----> valve/maps the rests >>-----> valve/gfx/env (if you dont have that dirictory then create it) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the map... Highland is the first map in my little hldm-fantasy serie called TomorrowLand, I just love the fantasy theme... This map is quite small, but if you thoose long-jump-things you can easy move over the opend areas, the rspeeds is quite good...around 700-800 in the highest areas... This map was made in about 10-15 houers(if you only count the mapping) compile = like 1 min...i have tested it alot to find any buggs, and i think i have found them all... In the map youŽll find two windmills on top of them I have located the long-jump, you`ll also find two small island floting in the air (this is a fantasy map remembet that)...on them I have putted som armour, don`t stand on them to long or the wind will get you... I also have a little cave inside the big islan (the map is a big island) the easyes way to get there is to jump into thoose teleports that i have located on each side of the map. From the cave I have two ladders that leads you up to the main surface. The layout is easy... Because of the open areas it would be hard for a player with no weapon so I have placed many weapons near every spawn point (note: there is no spawn point near x-bow )...Magnum, RPG and X-bow are the best weapons on this map, even if the Shotgun is good in the cave... - - - Items: Weapons - Many Items - Many Misc - 2 teleports, one HEV-Recharger - - - Credists: ...Not many, but thoose who has helped me knows it! Ionic - ComSet :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions should be mailed to me: peppe@pihl.as - - - NOTE: I have a website, but I havent updated it for months...so if you want to find out more about my maps or just have a little chatt then visite me on irc; #mapcore or #planethalflife on Gamesnet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------