Kitkat_Beach2 : a Half-Life Deathmatch Experience by DocRock Map Name: Kitkat_Beach2.bsp Filesize: 9.67 mb unzipped Author: DocRock Author email: wadincluded in map: kitkat_beach2.wad LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Single Player: No Co-Op: No Deathmatch: Yes Suggested Players: 6 - 12 New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Models: Yes Map Description: Kitkat Beach, where the sun never stops shining, and the bullets never stop flying. Don't forget to apply plenty of sunblock! CONSTRUCTION: base map: Kitkat_Beach by DocRock prefabs: None - all prefabs were made new for this map editor used: Hammer 3.5 utilities used: Zoner's Half-Life compile tools, Half-Life Pak Explorer, Half-Life model viewer, Half-Life sprite viewer, Goldwave sound recorder, Wally known bugs: None known compile machine: Intel Pentium 4 2.53 GHZ compile time: 9 hours INSTALLATION: 1. Run Winzip and unzip Kitkat_Beach2.rar 2. Open the main Kitkat_Beach2 folder and place the Kitkat_Beach2, Kitkat_Beach2.res, and Kitkat_Beach2.txt in your valve/maps folder. 3. Place the 6 kk.tga files into your valve/gfx/env folder. 4. Place the Kitkat_Beach2 sound folder in your valve/sound folder. 5. Place the gull1.mdl in your valve/models folder. OTHER LEVELS BY DOCROCK: 2012 maps: logo_2012, rockpit_2, monkey_isle3, mario_castle_kart, EsoTerrace Or visit GameBanana for my latests releases SPECIAL THANKS: To my babykitkat, my lover, my sweetheart, my wife. I love you!! My #1 fan, thanks baby for playtesting and helping me with this awesome map! I DEDICATE THIS TO YOU! To CreepItAll - thanks bro for your constant support and input on this map. Thanks for the awesome sky, the gull, the sounds, sprites, and all the other extra things you did to help make this map. Couldn't have done it without ya! Thanks man! To qUiCkSiLvEr - thanks for the wav loop sound info. BETA TESTERS: babykitkat CreepItAll qUiCkSiLvEr KK Skybox made by CreepItAll Gull1.mdl made by CreepItAll kitkat_beach2.wad compiled by DocRock music: Satisfaction by Benny Benassi Mr G dead mau DOC'S NEXT MAP....COMING SOON: Kitkat_Creepy_Halloween Copyright September 10, 2012 by DocRock Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as you give me credit in your as using this map as a base to build your level.