Mr. BLonDe's MOD BETA 2.2 README FILE..... Information- this mod is server side only. That means that the clients do not have to download any files to play this mod, ONLY the server. There are many modifications at this point. check the sight for further realeses. AND FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD E-MAIL ME WITH YOU COMMENTS! email address- web site - INSTALLATION...... 1.>extract the mb.dll into your valve\dlls folder 2.>extract you liblist.gam file into you valve\ folder you'll have to everwrite your old one!! 3.>extract your readme.txt file into you valve\ folder (or anywhere ya want) 4.> start up a half life and press create game either in the internet games menu (you might have people joining, buts thats what you want right? :) or start up a lan game and use bots or some thing. (see the below file for bots... TO ADD A BIT READ THE FOLLOWING....... I. BOTS............ copied directly from botmans readme file for bot10 If you started Half-Life with the -console option, you can press ~ to enter console mode and enter "addbot" (without the quotes) and you should see a message about a bot being spawned. You can enter "addbot" as many times as you wish, up to the Max. Players number specified in the "Create game" screen. You can select the model (skin) you want by entering "addbot ", where is the model name of the bot you wish to create. The standard models are: barney, gina, gman, gordon, helmet, hgrunt, recon, robo, scientist, and zombie. You can use a custom model if you have downloaded one. You should create a folder for the custom model in the valve\models\player folder with the same name as the .mdl file. You can assign a name to the bot by using "addbot name", where name is the name you want to use for the bot. You assign a skill level to the bot by using "addbot name skill", where skill is an integer from 1 to 5. Press ~ again to return to normal game mode. Have fun shooting the bots! II. WEAPON MODIFICATIONS...... 1.> Secondary on crowbar, it now throughs the crowbar like a knife. 2.> Advanced glocks, they now are silenced on primary fire, and un-silenced on secondary fire. 3.> Rate of fire increased on Python 357 4.> mp5 grenades are now exploding pop cans. (server has option to disable this) 5.> shotgun pumptime, rate of fire, clip size, and reload time all increased 6.> crossbow clip size increased, reload time faster, and rate of fire increased, and also the primary fire fires a sniper bolt but limited to once every 3 seconds 7.>rpg trail can now be any color the server wants it to be. (blue now by default) 8.>gauss color changed from orange to red. 9.> advanced egon, primary fire is a narrow stream which takes up less ammo, and secondary is the normal stream from deathmatch 10.> bee fag prevention :) (this ones a hoot!) 11.> secondary on handgrenades, throws an mp5 like grendade 12.>secondary on trip mines, now is a proximity mine 13.> snark model now changed to chumtoad model, and sounds are changed too. 14.>secondary on snark, now fires a snark grenades 15.> trip mine model now changed to weaponbox model (sneaky aren't we) 16.>more realistic mp5, it now has a clip size of 30 and does more damage. MISCELANEOUS CHANGES....... 1.> various model changes in game. (shotgun clip, gauss clip, and more i think :) ) 2.> various sound changes in game (health kits and more i think :) ) 3.> grappling hook....bind a button to +hook (server has command to disable this cuz its really cheap...mp_hooks and is disabled by default. 4.> personal teleporter...bind a button to teleporter (same as above) 5.> whenever someone dies..status of map, map time left, and frags left as well as any server info kept in the folder called server.txt STUFF THE SERVER CARES ABOUT.... 1.> mp_rockettrailred (number between 1-255) 2.> mp_rockettrailgreeen (number between 1-255) 3.> mp_rockettrailblue (number between 1-255) 4.> mp_cangrenades (if set to one mp5 can grenedes are enabled) 5.> mp_spawnweapons (choose an additional weapon for the client to spawn with example...mp_spawnweaopns "weapon_shotgun" 6.> put a message you want for your clients to see in the file server.txt KEEP THIS FILE SMALL OR HALF LIFE WILL CRASH!! LIKE 20 CHARACTER LIMITS BETWEEN RETURNS! An example server.txt is include. 7.> mp_hooks (decides if the grappling hook is abled or disabled and is desabled by default) CREDITS..... thanks to botman for his releasing the sourcecode to his bots.. thanks to evilclone for showing me how to program the grappling hook into the mod thanks to ->ViP<- Supertramp for helping me on the proximity mine. Thanks to Severian for inspiring on making this mod with his awesome server side mod (check it out at thanks to valve world, half life programming zone, and wavelengh for their awesome coding sights to help people get started. and most of all...thanks to YOU! for playing my mod (email me for comments on it :) again heres the sight and email.... IF I DIDN'T INCLUDE ANYONE ELSE ITS CUZ IM STUPID AND CAN'T REMEMBER SO EMAIL ME!! T